Thursday, September 10, 2009

My Hometown

Here are some random photos of my Ghanaian hometown of Bole.

Friday Market

Main road through town

My bike and the road I go running on in the morning.

My path to work from my house.
(The house shown is my neighbour's house)


  1. These are some great shots Jody. Glad to see that you are doing well.
    What has been your greatest learning moment over the past week?
    What is one tangible outcome you will work to achieve (at work, in personal growth, or in general life) over this next week?

    Best Wishes,
    Brian Magee

  2. Jody, I am so proud of you and what you are doing!

    I hope you're OK with me having passed your blog address on to my Senior High Social Studies teacher friend in Slave Lake. Helping students achieve a global social conscience is one of her goals and I thought that peeking at your commitment and contribution could help with that.

    You have an eye for an effective picture, and have certainly also got your mother's writing talent.

